On Sankranti day, people in Karnataka share Ellu Bella with family and friends. This ritual is called Ellu Birodu.
Sesame Seeds – 1 tbsp
Groundnuts – 1/2 cup
Fried Gram (Putaani Dal) – 1/2 cup
Jaggery – 1/2 cup
Copra (Dried Coconut) – 1/2 cup
Round Sugar Candy – 1/2 cup
- Sun dry jaggery and copra for an hour. This makes it easy to cut them into uniform shaped pieces.
- Dry roast groundnuts and de-skin them and break them into halves. Let it cool.
- Dry roast sesame seeds util they stop spluttering. Let it cool.
- Cut sun dried copra and jaggery into small squares of uniform size.
- Mix halved groundnuts, fried gram, semame seeds, copra pieces, jaggery pieces and round sugar candies.