This easy to make Ice Cream Parfait with Blueberry Compote is an eye catcher and a perfect dessert for hot sunny day. This dessert can be put together easily even for any large get-together parties.
Yields: 6 servings
Vanilla Sponge Cake – 6 slices
Ice Cream – Â 1 litre pack (any flavor or you can use multiple flavors for scoops)
Blueberry Compote – 1 1/2 cups
Cashew nut pieces – 1 cup
Serving cups/glasses – 6
- Roughly cut a slice of sponge cake and layer it in a serving cup.
- Sprinkle a few cashew nut pieces on top of the cake pieces.
- Pour about 3 tablespoons of blueberry compote.
- Now place 2-3 scoops (or more if you like) of ice cream. You can different flavored scoops if you wish to. Here I used Cookie & Cream flavor.
- Pour 2 tablespoons of blueberry compote on top of the scoops.
- Sprinkle cashew nuts.
- Repeat steps 1-6 for remaining servings.
- Serve immediately.
- Use a tall serving glass for serving.
- Do steps 1-3 as above.
- Top it with a big scoop of ice cream. Level it little bit using the back of a spoon.
- Layer it with cake pieces, cashew nuts, blueberry compote and then ice cream scoop. (Steps 1-3 down here).
- Drizzle blueberry compote.
- Sprinkle cashew nuts.
- Serve.