Karanji, also known as Karjikayi/Karigadubu in Karnataka and Kajjikayalu in Andhra is a sweet dish prepared usually for festivals. An unleavened flour dough is rolled into thin disc, stuffed with a mixture, edges are sealed and then deep fried.
All Purpose Flour (Maida) – 2 cups
Chiroti Rava – 1/2 cup (this is very fine rava/semolina)
Ghee – 2 tbsps
Salt to taste
For Stuffing:
Coconut, finely grated – 3 cups
Sugar Powder – 2 1/2 cups
Cardamom Powder –Â 2 tsps
Poppy Seeds – 4 tbsps
Cashew nut, shredded – 1/4 cup
- Take maida, chiroti rava, ghee and salt in a mixing bowl. Mix well.
- Add 1 cup water and knead it into dough. Add little water if required. The dough must be pliable but stiffer than the chapati dough. Set aside for 20 minutes.
- Dry roast poppy seeds until nice aroma comes out.
- In another mixing bowl, mix together grated coconut, poppy seeds, cashew nuts, powdered sugar and cardamom powder.
- Mix the dough again.
- Make small lemon sized balls of the dough.
- Dust a dough ball with very little flour and roll it into thin disc.
- Place the disc on karanji mould, and fill one side of the mould fill the stuffing mixture.
- Carefully, get the other half of the disc to cover the coconut mixture and close the mould tightly.
- Trim out any extra dough coming out of the mould.
- Heat oil, when it starts to smoke, set the flame to medium.
- Unmould the Karanji. Make sure the edges are closed tightly.
- Deep fry in oil until golden brown. Remove from oil and place in oil absorbent paper.
- Repeat steps 7-12 until all the dough and mixture is over.
- Serve hot.
- Once they are cooled to room temperature, you can store them in an air-tight container for 2-3 days.
- The dough must be very stiff/hard so that the outer cover of the karanji stays crisp.
- The disc that you roll out must be really thin.
- While deep frying, the oil must be set to medium flame.