Khara Sev, also known as Kharada Kaddi in Kannada and Khara Poosa in Teleugu is prepared using chickpea flour, chili powder and carom seeds. The dough is passed through a Sev press into oil for deep frying until crisp.
Chickpea Flour/Besan – 2 cups
Red Chilli Powder – 2 tsps (adjust according to taste)
Caraway/Carom Seeds/Ajwain – 1 tsp (optional, I have not used)
Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying
- Pound ajwain, if using. Or you can directly use.
- Take 1/2 cup water in a mixing bowl, add salt and red chilli powder.
- Heat oil in a pan/wok for frying.
- Fold in chickpea flour. Knead using water as required to get a stiff dough.
- Take a sev press.
- Fill the sev press with little dough.
- When the oil is hot enough(below smoking point), set the flame to medium and press the handles of the murukku press in a circularly on oil.
- When sev is slightly brown, carefully flip the side and fry until slightly brown. Browning happens very quickly.
- Remove sev from oil and place on a kitchen tissue.
- Once cooled, serve and store the rest in air tight containers.